Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reason #4: Addiction

The addiction and child sex abuse link is supported by oodles of research. But hey, if you don't believe me, ask a survivor. Most of us are at the local bar, or high, or frankly, if you are like me, fat. I can't stop fucking eating.

A therapist once said to me "Food is mother. Literally, when you are born, food is mother (i.e., breastmilk)." After the breastfeeding, food is still mother, in terms of nurturing. That's the thing with surviving abuse, we spend the rest of our lives trying to mother ourselves with food.

We eat so much until we are in a food coma, till we can't think about the disgusting shit you did to us. Then, we can't take it, and everything we have stuffed down all these years - we throw it all up. We spend all this time swallowing everything down, keeping this great big secret inside of us, and then we throw it all up.

This is why you shouldn't fuck kids. We form addictions, whether it be binge-eating disorder, bulimia, or whatever addiction is most suited to your personality.

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